May 2016 Meal Planning

Menu planning is something we all know is good as far as healthy options and money saving goes but do you also know the stress it takes out of your daily routine to know what you are making for dinner and that you have everything it takes to make it? Priceless!

Here are some tips that I have found make menu planning quick, easy, cost effective and healthy for us all!

  • Pick a day that you are going to plan your week. I plan my week on Sunday.
  • Look over everyones schedules, games, practices, lessons, appointments, nights out for myself or my husband and then check to see if the meals I monthly planned are still going to work or if I need to tweak them around.
  • See what days you need 10 min meals or slow cooker meals
  • Make a list of everything you need- everything! Then go to your kitchen and cross off what you already have.

Put together your grocery list for the upcoming week. I am trying

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